SENATURK's institutional missions are to develop teaching materials and programs for horizontal and perpendicular integrated education for breast health at every environment and step, to maintain infrastructure for learning, to give pre-service and in-training education to medical professionals, nurses, technicians and society, to determine regional quality indicators for training, research and breast health care service, to maintain, audit and benchmark the terms and performances for providing qualified health care, to design and conduct clinical and translational research, to give face-to-face or distant consultations to individuals or institutions as well as to develop softwares on all these services.
Mission Structure
1. Training (Certification)
2. Determining and Maintaining Indicators for Quality Assurance (Benchmarking/Accreditation)
Organizing guideline set-ups
Electronic consensus organizations
Determining "Performance indicators"
Appraisal of documents
Institutional coaching
Strategy development for economic and quality outcomes
3. Research & Development
Conducting clinical and translational research
Software development
Writing projects and consultation services for funds
Data mining
4. Health Care Service
Implementing comprehensive breast care
Organizing "Center of excellences"
Health tourism
Second opinion provision
Complication management system