Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care

SENATURK Breast Health Care & Oncoplastic Surgery Fellowship

This is a fellowship program available for general and plastic & reconstructive surgeons as well as gynecologists who already practice breast surgery for a minimum of 2 years. Fellowship periods are min. 1, max. 24 months. The Training curriculum contains theoretical and hands-on training as well as professional attitude competencies. Briefly, trainees attend breast units, outpatient clinics at breast surgery, medical oncology and radiation oncology, operating rooms (theatres), comprehensive breast imaging suites including nuclear medicine, pathology labs, rehabilitation units specific for lymphedema, shoulder & chest movement and chronic pain management, radiation oncology units, ambulatory systemic treatment suites, palliative care units, high-risk clinics and genetic labs at SENATURK-affiliated hospitals as the chosen fellowship period lets. The trainees follow and attend/scrub all types of breast surgery including oncoplastic and whole breast reconstructions. A setlist of lectures is given privately by eminent faculty members on a face-to-face basis. Special individual sessions are reserved for case-based discussions and Q&A interactions between the faculty member and the trainee in each week. Please write to Dr. Cem Yilmaz (program coordinator; drcemyilmaz@gmail.com) for further queries on the SENATURK fellowship program, its requirements, terms, and application procedures.