Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care

SENATURK’s Breast Ultrasonography (SENUS) Course was held on 25-26 May 2019 in Istanbul Bahcelievler Memorial Hospital.

SENATURK’s Breast Ultrasonography (SENUS) Course was held on 25-26 May 2019 in Istanbul Bahcelievler Memorial Hospital. During this 2-day course, experienced faculty members (breast surgeons) conveyed their knowledge and experience to participants on both diagnostic and interventional aspects of breast ultrasonography. Apart from lectures, hands-on training on live patients and phantom models were given during modules in which only 5-6 participants are allowed. Totally 20 surgeons received the “SENUS Achievement Certification” as a part of SENATURK Breast Mastership Programme after they successfully passed the post-training exam.