Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care

SENATURK president Prof. Bahadir M. Gulluoglu participated as one of the guest speakers in Milan Oncoplastic Meeting (MBN2019) on 11-14 December 2019 in Milan, Italy.

SENATURK president Prof. Bahadir M. Gulluoglu participated as one of the guest speakers in Milan Oncoplastic Meeting (MBN2019) on 11-14 December 2019 in Milan, Italy. During the conference, apart from his talk and chairmanship at “Neoadjuvant Treatment” session, he attended “the BRESO Project” session as one of the panelists. In this special session, as panelists, general and plastic & reconstructive surgeons discussed the emerging BRESO (“European” Breast Surgical Oncology) Fellowship/Training Programme with all dimensions. Prof. Gulluoglu sat at the panel due his Theoretical Knowledge Working Group membership in the BRESO Project since 2018.