Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care
Education and innovation are vital for better and sustainable health care

6th International Conference of Romanian Society of Breast Oncology and Surgery was held in 1-3 November 2018 in Bucharest.

6th International Conference of Romanian Society of Breast Oncology and Surgery was held in 1-3 November 2018 in Bucharest. As it was for the last 5 years in a row, SENATURK was one of the main scientific partners of this prestigious conference in which more than 500 participants registered. SENATURK president Prof. Bahadir Gulluoglu, vice-president Prof. N Zafer Cantürk and Chief Operating Officer Assist Prof S Ata Guler gave lectures and conferences during the conference as well.